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Together we create cozy and valuable family moments


On Sunday 2 October we will organize our first open field day where you will be given a tour around the field, insights into our operations and vision for the future. You can register via the event on facebook



Due to Covid, the "Kringlooptuindag" did not take place for 2 years. This spring, a new edition was organized and Bioberg could not be missed here. The day was all about sustainable and ecological projects. On this day we had countless inspiring conversations and gained ideas.
Thank you to the organizers and we hope to see you next year!

Bioberg also stands for local economy. So at the end of 2021 we joined forces with an unexpected but very local partner in Everberg;So Suply.
As a local, young entrepreneur, Steffi likes to put new projects like ours in the spotlight, so we organized a Christmas pop-up. You could go there for homemade gluhwein, hot chocolate and pumpkin soup from our own cultivation. The pop-up gave us the opportunity to explain our project to the local community, who came to enjoy the beautiful light show or a late night shopping at So Suply. Cosiness at its best!

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